ZealandiaZEALANDIA is the world’s first fully-fenced city ecosanctuary, with a 500-year vision to restore the forest and freshwater environment as close to their pre-human state as possible. Some species of native wildlife have not been seen in mainland New Zealand for over 100 years, but this is the first time they have been reintroduced in over one hundred years.

Set in a picturesque, protected environment, ZEALANDIA is home to some of New Zealand’s most rare and extraordinary wildlife. The entire region has been made into a world-first protected sanctuary – where the animals are thriving in the wild without any interference from humans.


New Zealand was unique prior to the arrival of humans. Without the ability to hunt mammals, an array of flora and fauna had evolved, including the ones that can be found nowhere else in the world. Over the last 700 years, the paradise was almost destroyed by humans because of the mammals they introduced with them.

New Zealand’s native and endemic species were decimated by introduced predators, who were able to evolve without needing defence from mammals for millions of years. Over 50 bird species, three frog species, three lizard species, one freshwater fish species, one bat species, four plant species, and a number of invertebrate species have become extinct since human arrival.


The aim of ZEALANDIA is to bring the valley back to the state it was prior to human intervention. This also includes keeping out non-native predators like weasels, cats, and rats. The boundary is an 8.6km long fence which is also buried about 30cm into the ground to stop burrowing creatures,

Rare native birds including the tūī, kākā, and kererū, can all now be seen in Wellington CBD and the suburbs. Teke, hihi, little spotted kiwi, and tuatara are some of the vulnerable native species that are thriving in the sanctuary.